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Contact Us


Vermont Holistic Bodywork




Phone: 802-552-0776


Address: 689 Goose Green Road, Vershire, VT 05079


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Touch for Health

Touch for Health ~ Applied Kinesiology

Touch For Health (TFH) is a very effective modality for working with chronic or acute pain, stress, anxiety, tight muscles, low energy, decreased mobility, and more. TFH is so effective because it focuses on treating the underlying cause of the symptoms.


In a basic session, we will do a Meridian Balance. Using muscle testing, we communicate directly with your body's intuitive wisdom and locate any blockages in your various systems that create physical or emotional stress. Then we use a variety of simple techniques to release them, allowing the body to return to its natural state of health and vitality. Many people leave these sessions feeling empowered to achieve their goals and maintain their wellbeing.


Recommended Duration: 30-45 minutes

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