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Intro to Lomilomi ~ with Benj

October 25-29, 2021

The Heron Educational Center for the Human Spirit, Westport, MA


Lomi Lomi is the traditional massage from the Hawaiian Islands. It has been passed down through generations since ancient times by the Kahunas, the mystics, healers, and master energy workers of Hawaii. Each island had its own unique lineages of Lomi, but each shared the belief that humans are more than the physical body. Their work encompassed the entire spectrum of a person…physical, psychological, and spiritual. It is highly effective at integrating the different areas of the body, clearing blockages and getting energy moving, and bringing people back into a sense of alignment.

In modern times, Lomi has become very popular around the world. It movements are inspired by the ocean, and much like sitting in the waves, receiving Lomi can be relaxing yet energizing, gentle yet deep, soothing yet powerful. It can bring people into deep trances, or help them feel more grounded. There is a heavy focus on the breath as a tool to move energy…from both the giver and receiver.


In this 5-day workshop, we will learn a full-body routine that incorporates techniques from 3 different lineages from Kauai, Maui, and the Big Island. It will be very hands-on; you will be giving and receiving sessions every day.

Material covered will include:

~Cascading wave-like strokes from the heart-centered, meditative tradition of Sherman Dudoit and the Kahunas of Maui

~Rhythmic forearm strokes, deep stretches, twists, and hip openers from the lineage of Kahu Abraham Kawai’i.

~Creating space in-between the vertebrae and joints through the application of gravity and leverage with the breath from modern-day Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim

This class is open to people of all experience levels…from total beginners to long-time practitioners. The routine you will learn is a solid foundation for a new practice or a wonderful addition to an existing practice.


Daily Schedule:

Arrive at 8:30am to settle in
Morning Class: 9am-12:30pm
Lunch Break: 12:30pm-2pm
Afternoon Class: 2pm-6pm


I will do my best to stay on schedule, but I ask that you keep your evenings flexible in case things come up that cause us to run a little late. You may also find that things come up for you with this work, and it is nice to have spaciousness to let it settle and integrate if possible.


If you would like to book a private session to experience the work before the class, time will be made available to do so.



If you have any questions, you can contact us, at or 802.793.5764.

Tuition: $500

Tuition including Plant-Based Lunch: $620


To Register text/call Ashley Gallagher at 774-319-7139.

There are limited spots for the training so please register by October 15th with the first half of the cost (250.00) with the second half being due the first day of class!

VSAC GRANTS: Vermonters can apply for VSAC non-degree grants to cover the full cost of this training. Contact Benj for more info.

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Harry Uhane Jim is a modern day Kahuna and author of Wise Secrets of Aloha. Born on Kauai, Harry studied with many kahunas and healing masters. He and his family eventually relocated and currently split their time between the Big Island of Hawaii and Buffalo NY. Uncle Harry and his wife Sila founded their school, Halau Uhane Lomilomi Lapa'au, and continue traveling the country

sharing Lomilomi medicine.

Learn more:



Milldale Farm Center for Wellness is a 400acre family-owned farm and retreat center in rural Fairlee, VT. It is the home of Be True Yoga Festival and also hosts meditation retreats, yoga classes, and much more! You will have ample time to explore the beautiful landscape, including wooded trails, small ponds, and the neighboring Lake Fairlee.


Sila & Harry

Sila & Harry

Sila & Harry

Lomi HA Breathwork Training ~ with Harry Uhane Jim

October 7-10, 2021

Milldale Farm Center for Wellness, Fairlee, VT


Join us for a 4 day intensive training with Kahuna, teacher, and author Harry Uhane Jim. We are honored to host Uncle Harry for the 3rd time at Milldale Farm. Every opportunity to work with him has been an incredible gift for us, and we hope to share this experience with you! This class will focus on Lomi HA ~ Ancient Hawaiian Breathwork for trauma recovery and connecting to our higher selves. To learn is to experience.

Harry's course description:


Enter into the realm of Lomilomi, the traditional Hawaiian Approach to bodywork. Lomilomi holds the premise that body, mind and spirit (trinity) participate in its evolution - healing.


The work creates a temple…a sacred space... a connecting space... A safe space place for the body’s consciousness (the emotional body).


Access for support and communication to the emotional body is in the HA - the breath. 

The opportunity for healing is the convergence of time, space, and will. It is incidental, coincidental, and serendipitous.


Lomilomi grants portal to this Process. We are empowered by and centered on authenticity, creating the momentum of ease and grace to navigate healing.



LOMI HA ( breath) - combining the skills of bone washing and breath coaching we are equipped to heal towards freedom from constriction.

BONE WASHING - cleaning the skin of the bone (periosteum),  causing the release of memory and corresponding physical and emotional pain.

PO’O (head) -- clearing binds on the cranial bones to accommodate movement of skull in rhythm with the breath.

CREATION OF SPACE - causing space in the body using gravity and breath.

MANIFESTING - traditional healing technique to active prayer using “prepare, perceive and procreate.”

LAULIMA-   We will learn by doing “laying of hands” an ancient Hawaiian healing practice in which everybody is enough, everyone participates. We gather in a cluster of like-minded healers holding the common intention for one person’s well being.   





And before me thousands of years of repeating healings.


Yes to learn how is To experience .  Join us for a lifestyle expansion through joyous skills held dear to the Hawaiians of old. 


Aloha, Harry


Check out Harry's book, Wise Secrets of Aloha for more info about this work.


Tuition includes on-site accommodation and 3 Home-cooked meals a day. 7 rustic cabins may also be reserved by individuals or couples for an additional fee. There will be free time to enjoy the beautiful VT countryside at a truly gorgeous time of year!


If you have any questions, you can reach Benj Spound, the event organizer, at or 802.793.5764.

Tuition: $1250

A $300 deposit will reserve your space.

Financial Aid is available. Contact Benj for info

VSAC GRANTS: Vermonters can apply for VSAC non-degree grants to cover the full cost of this training. Contact Benj for more info.


Please read our Cancellation Policy before registering.


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Patti Miller has studied Hawaiian bodywork and culture with many kahunas and teachers and deeply embodies the Spirit of Aloha. She is based in BC, Canada where she has practiced and taught Lomi for many years. She has also co-published a  book titled Hawaiian Shamanistic Healing. For more info visit about Patti, visit:


Benj Spound is the co-founder of Vermont Holistic Bodywork. Benj uses Passive Sturtcural Alignment in his personal practice and has Loved seeing the amazing results - from chronic symptoms disappearing, to increased energy and vitality. He is passionate about sharing this work.



Milldale Farm Center for Wellness is a 400acre family-owned farm and retreat center in rural Fairlee, VT. It is the home of Be True Yoga Festival and also hosts meditation retreats, yoga classes, and much more! You will have ample time to explore the beautiful landscape, including wooded trails, small ponds, and the neighboring Lake Fairlee.

Hawaiian Massage Training ~ with Patti Miller

September 10-18, 2021

Milldale Farm Center for Wellness, Fairlee, VT


Learn the traditional art of Heartworks Lomi Lomi, an ancient style of Hawaiian Massage passed down by Kahunas and shared with the world by Sherman Dudoit.

In this residential, all-inclusive retreat, you will learn a full-body massage routine that emulates the ocean waves of Hawaii, providing a blissful, heart-opening experience for the receiver. Clients love this style and it can easily fit into a 60 or 90min spa session. It is simple enough for beginners to learn and is a powerful addition to the tool belt of experienced practitioners.

You will also learn Passive Structural Alignment, the perfect companion to Heartworks, which was originally paired with the ancient Hawaiian Bone-Setting tradition. We will teach you to press the bones of the spine, ribs, hips, cranials, universal joints, and more into perfect alignment. This treats the root cause of many nagging back/neck/shoulder pains, headaches, and low energy and prepares the body for the massage. The massage in turn, helps relax and detox the muscles and tissue, promoting the new alignment.

Training begins with a Ho'oponopono Ceremony, a Hawaiian tradition for clearing blockages from our life and creating space in us to receive the transmission of Lomi Lomi.

Tuition includes on-site accommodation and 3 Home-cooked meals a day. 7 rustic cabins may also be reserved by individuals or couples for an additional fee. In your free time, enjoy optional daily yoga classes and free time for hiking or swimming at Lake Fairlee.


If you have any questions, you can reach Benj Spound, the event organizer, at or 802.793.5764.

Tuition: $1800

A $300 deposit will reserve your space.

Financial Aid is available. Contact Benj for info

VSAC GRANTS: Vermonters can apply for VSAC non-degree grants to cover the full cost of this training. Contact Benj for more info.


Please read our Cancellation Policy before registering.


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Harry Uhane Jim is a modern day Kahuna and author of Wise Secrets of Aloha. Born on Kauai, Harry studied with many kahunas and healing masters. He and his family eventually relocated and currently split their time between the Big Island of Hawaii and Buffalo NY. Uncle Harry and his wife Sila founded their school, Halau Uhane Lomilomi Lapa'au, and continue traveling the country

sharing Lomilomi medicine.

Learn more:



Milldale Farm Center for Wellness is a 400acre family-owned farm and retreat center in rural Fairlee, VT. It is the home of Be True Yoga Festival and also hosts meditation retreats, yoga classes, and much more! You will have ample time to explore the beautiful landscape, including wooded trails, small ponds, and the neighboring Lake Fairlee.

Birthing Your Power ~ with Harry Uhane Jim

June 21-25

Milldale Farm Center for Wellness, Fairlee, VT


This five day workshop is a very special opportunity to work closely with
Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim, and Sila Lehua Bray Jim, modern day kahunas who will share the magic of Hawaiian healing arts - using bodywork, breathwork, and heart connection to create miracles.

As described by Uncle Harry:
"There are tools in the lomilomi way that can only be mastered by very contained and sequestered spaces and reflections. The circle of participants is deliberately small. Details are presented with plenty of space for
absorbing, and streaming into your thought process. There are no worn paths here, instead true resonance of self loving self blue printing, emotional evolution, rejuvenation and healing.

This workshop is a down stream rapids experience for five consecutive immersion days with 8-14 students only. We learn the art of crafting the urge badge, and other manifestations of our ever shaping spirit as healers. It's about forgiving attachments to your charter, engaging your charter to reclaim skills for navigating midstream in the river of abundance through service. The Kupuna: Hawaiian elders would refer to this work as heart medicine.

We will be working with tools from the Physics of energy.  Birthing your power will be about  the  fluid management  of our  belief systems that color, and shape our realities.

E’ KOMO MAI! ~ Come connect with your power to heal!

Aloha nui nui"
~Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim And Kumu Sila Lehua Jim. ~


If you have any questions, you can reach Benj at or 802.793.5764.

Residential Tuition: $1250 ~ includes on-site lodging and 3 meals a day.

A $300 non-refundable deposit will reserve your space.

Payment Plans are available with enough notice.

VSAC GRANTS: Vermonters can apply for VSAC non-degree grants to cover the full cost of this training. Contact Benj for more info.

Please read our Cancellation Policy before registering.



Kumu Sila & Kumu Harry Jim

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Harry Uhane Jim is a modern day Kahuna and author of Wise Secrets of Aloha. Born on Kauai, Harry studied with many kahunas and healing masters. He and his family eventually relocated and currently split their time between the Big Island of Hawaii and Buffalo NY. Uncle Harry and his wife Sila founded their school, Halau Uhane Lomilomi Lapa'au, and continue traveling the country

sharing Lomilomi medicine.



Milldale Farm Center for Wellness is a 400acre family-owned farm and retreat center in rural Fairlee, VT. It is the home of Be True Yoga Festival and also hosts meditation retreats, yoga classes, and much more! You will have ample time to explore the beautiful landscape, including wooded trails, small ponds, and the neighboring Lake Fairlee.

Wise Secrets of Aloha ~ Kahuna Bodywork Training

with Harry Uhane Jim

August 7-9

Milldale Farm Center for Wellness, Fairlee, VT


Enter into the realm of Lomilomi, the traditional Hawaiian Approach to bodywork. Lomilomi holds the premise that body, mind and spirit (trinity) participate in its evolution - healing. The work creates a temple…a sacred space for the body’s consciousness (the emotional body). Access for support and communication to the emotional body is in the HA - the breath.


In this workshop you will learn the following tools:

  • BONEWASHING ~ Clearing stuck memories from the skin of the bones

  • CREATING SPACE ~ Using gravity and breath to create expansion

  • LOMI HA ~ Coaching receivers in Sacred Breathwork

  • LAU LIMA ~ Laying on of hands (Hawaiian style energy work)

  • PO'O ~ Cranial Work

  • KALA'E ~ Clearing the Rivers of Life

  • MANIFESTING THROUGH PUL'E ~ Prayer as a tool for healing


These techniques are very effective at healing pain, working through trauma, and clearing stuck emotions and unhealthy patterns.


Harry is an inspirational teacher who will share his decades of experience and wisdom with a hearty dose of laughter. On a personal note, I had a profound experience working with Harry, and that is why I am hosting him. I highly recommend this course for people seeking to delve deeper into healing. 


E’ KOMO MAI! ~ Come connect with your power to heal!



Residential Tuition: $400 ~ includes on-site lodging and 3 meals a day.

Commuter Tuition: $375 ~ we provide lunches.
A $125 non-refundable deposit will reserve your space.

Payment Plans are available with enough notice.

VSAC GRANTS: Vermonters can apply for VSAC non-degree grants to cover the full cost of this training. Contact Benj for more info.

Please read our Cancellation Policy before registering.

If you have any questions, you can reach Benj at or 802.793.5674.


Kumu Harry Uhane Jim & Kumu Sila Lehua Bray Jim

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Your teacher for this training will be Benj Spound. Benj is the co-founder of Vermont Holistic Bodywork, located in Montpelier, VT. Benj uses the Body Tune Up in his personal practice and has Loved seeing the amazing results - from chronic symptoms disappearing, to increased energy and vitality. He is passionate about sharing this work.



Milldale Farm Center for Wellness is a 400acre family-owned farm and retreat center in rural Fairlee, VT. It is the home of Be True Yoga Festival and also hosts meditation retreats, yoga classes, and much more! You will have ample time to explore the beautiful landscape, including wooded trails, small ponds, and the neighboring Lake Fairlee.

The Body Tune Up ~ A Holistic Bodywork Training

October 21-27 + 11/5

Milldale Farm Center for Wellness, Fairlee, VT


The BODY TUNE UP is an incredible modality that has a dual focus: Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome and its many symptoms as well as Spinal Alignment to relieve pain and improve vitality. This 2-step approach can transform your health and relieve chronic conditions.

You will learn the art of Applied Kinesiology - using muscle testing to assess the body and get direct answers about what it needs. You will learn to balance meridians, reset valves in the digestive tract to stop toxin recycling, heal the colon with a 14-21 day meal plan, and use a technique called Orthobionomy to gently press all the vertebrae, ribs, hips, sacrum, cranials, and more into perfect alignment. This can have profound effects on people suffering from a wide range of chronic conditions and acute symptoms.

LEARN all this and more in an all-inclusive 7-day training at Milldale Farm in Fairlee, VT with a supervised practicum clinic! You will leave with the skills to offer the work to clients, family, or friends AND the firsthand experience of receiving the work every day which will be a powerful personal healing experience! We will have a follow up session on 11/5 for everyone to share their experience completing the meal plan at which point you will receive your certificate!

In our overstressed, fast-paced world, it is no wonder over 80% of Americans have Leaky Gut Syndrome and learn to live with mediocre health. Join us for this training and let's work to raise our society's standard of living, by reminding people what true health feels like!

Tuition: $1500 ~ includes on-site lodging and 3 meals a day.
A $200 non-refundable deposit will reserve your space.

Financial Aid is available.

VSAC GRANTS: Vermonters can apply for VSAC non-degree grants to cover the full cost of this training. Contact Benj for more info.

We are also hosting a Hawaiian Massage Training in September. If you take both trainings, you will save $800 ($2500 total - $300 Deposit)

If you have any questions, you can reach Benj at or 802.793.5674.

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The training will be led by Patti Miller. Patti has studied with many kahunas and teachers and deeply embodies the Spirit of Aloha. She is based in BC, Canada where she has practiced and taught Lomi for many years. She has also co-published a  book titled Hawaiian Shamanistic Healing with Llewellyn Worldwide Publishing co. For more info visit about Patti, visit:

Hawaiian Massage Training ~ with Patti Miller

September 1-12

Milldale Farm Center for Wellness, Fairlee, VT


Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage is an ancient form of bodywork passed through the generations by the Kahunas of Hawaii. Practitioners learns to connect deeply through their heart center and share that divine connection with the receiver through loving touch, offering them the experience of deep peace, oneness, and wholeness. People with all levels of experience are welcome!


There are several lineages of Lomi Lomi. In this training, you will learn 2 unique styles.


Kahi Loa: A form of light-touch energy work in which practitioners invoke the different elements and kingdoms of nature and use them in the healing process. This relieves tension and stress and is very soothing.


Big Island Lomi: A traditional form of lomi taught by the Kahuna Aunty Margaret. You will learn a full-body routine with long-flowing strokes that emulate the ocean waves of Hawaii. This provides a thorough flush of the lymphatic system, releasing stress, tension and stuck energy, while opening the heart-center to receive peace and bliss. You will also learn techniques including Bone-Washing from the school of Uncle Harry Jim.


We will also have a Ho'oponopono Circle, an ancient Hawaiian Ceremony for releasing the past and creating freedom through divine forgiveness. This ceremony will prepare you to receive the transmission of Lomi.


This training is all-inclusive! Accommodation and 3 home-cooked meals a day are provided as well as daily yoga classes and time for group excursions to nearby Lake Fairlee.

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Hawaiian Massage Training & Retreat

Temple-Style Lomi ~ Shamanic Bodywork

September 10th-19th 2018

Milldale Farm Center for Wellness: Fairlee, VT


Welcome to an incredible journey. Hawaiian Massage, known as Lomi Lomi is an ancient form of bodywork passed through the generations by the Kahunas, the shaman-yogis of Hawaii. Practitioners learns to connect deeply through their heart center and share that divine connection with the receiver through loving touch, offering them the experience of deep peace, oneness, and wholeness. This is an advanced training. However, there are no prerequisites and anyone who feels called to come is welcome!

There are several lineages of Lomi Lomi. This retreat will focus on what is known as TEMPLE-STYLE LOMI, a form of shamanic bodywork shared with the world by the Kahuna Kahu Abraham Kawa'i. In this training you will study this form of massage deeply. You will learn a full-body routine that uses wave-like forearm and elbow strokes to clear away any tension or stuck energy as well as manual stretches to help open the body. Temple Style incorporates dance steps known as the Ka'aleleau so you can glide gracefully around the table as well as breathwork and meditation to deepen the work.

A very special component that will be shared in this training are the DEEP JOINT ROTATIONS, a unique part of Abraham's work that is seldom taught. Deep Joint Rotations involve torquing the shoulders, hips, knees, elbows, wrists, and ankles to their maximum threshold and rotating them very slowly at their maximum range of motion. This clears stored gunk out the joint sockets and can dramatically increase flexibility and range of motion.

This training is very intensive. 7 full days will be devoted to learning the strokes, the dance steps, and the joint rotations. You will also have daily yoga classes and time for group excursions to nearby Lake Fairlee. The training will begin with an opening circle and dinner on 9/10 followed by a full day Ho'oponopono Circle, an ancient Hawaiian Ceremony to release the past and clear the way for freedom through divine forgiveness. This ceremony will 'empty your vessel' to receive the transmission of Temple-Style Lomi. In the morning of the 19th, we will have an intimate graduation ceremony, where you will receive a handsome certificate, and a final closing circle to conclude the retreat. 

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Hawaiian Massage Training & Retreat
Temple-Style Lomi ~ Shamanic Bodywork
June 4th-25th 2017
Lotus Mountain Retreat Center: 
Bolton Valley, VT


The Hawaiian Bodywork Training Series is a life-changing opportunity for current and aspiring body workers as well as all who are interested in alternative medicine, wellness, and spirituality. Participants will learn empowering techniques to take charge of their personal wellbeing and full routines to offer to clients, families, and friends. The series consists of three main trainings, which each provide a Certificate of Completion, as well as several ceremonies and community events to anchor the Aloha Spirit in Vermont.


The first event is The Wise Secrets of Aloha and Grand Opening Ceremony. Kealohi will introduce Hawaiian Culture, spirituality, and medicine in this talk, leaving lots of time for Q&A. He will share music and stories and we will have a potluck dinner. There will also be a Traditional Hawaiian Blessing Ceremony for the Sun Lodge, our new geodesic dome that will house this and all future trainings and events at Lotus Mountain Retreat.


The next event is a FREE Introduction/Demonstration of the Body Tune Up, for all who want to learn more about this simple and revolutionary method of healing. Kealohi will demonstrate muscle testing and explain how the techniques work. You will witness the miracle for yourself!


The first training, Body Tune Up 1 ~ Stress-Toxin Management, addresses Leaky Gut Syndrome, a major health epidemic estimated to be affecting 80% of Americans today. When the body is stressed, the digestive tract begins leaking toxins into the body. This can cause many symptoms including indigestion, acid reflex, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, fatigue, pain, inflammation, skin disorders, mood swings, anxiety, depression, and more. Participants in this training will learn to use Applied Kinesiology to muscle test for Leaky Gut Syndrome and then use gentle adjustments to reset 5 valves in the intestinal tract, and balance major meridians related to digestion. You will also learn a meal plan to rebuild the lining of the colon. Bringing Peace to the Gut will bring you and your receivers to new levels of wellbeing! Day 3 of the training is a practicum for community members to come receive free bodywork from the participants!


The second training, Body Tune Up 2 ~ Passive Structural Alignment, addresses imbalances in posture and energy flow in the body. You will learn to use Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing) to check for misalignments and Orthobionomy and breath-work to push the bones and joints into full alignment, including the spine and neck, hips, ribs, occipital, major cranials, sacrum, lumbar fixations, and universal joints. When the body is in balance, energy can flow freely. This increases overall physical and mental performance and general sense of wellbeing. This training is the perfect companion to massage. Balancing your client’s energy and aligning their structure before a massage makes the work more powerful and longer lasting! Day 3 of the training is a practicum for community members to come receive free bodywork from the participants!    (Body Tune Up 1 is NOT a prerequisite for Body Tune Up 2)

The next event in the series is a Ho’oponopono Sacred Circle. This is an ancient Hawaiian ceremony to Clear the Path to Freedom through Divine Forgiveness. The first evening will be an introduction to the practice. The next day will be devoted to the sacred ceremony. Be prepared to Birth Your Own Miracle through letting go of all that no longer serves you and offering forgiveness to self and others. This will heal any type of relationship on all levels.


On the Summer Solstice, we will be hosting a Huna Manifestation Ritual. In this Hawaiian ritual, you will bring forth a personal dream and use Hawaiian Shamanism to Bring it into Reality. We will commune with the spirits of nature on this powerful Day of Light and manifest our beautiful dreams! A potluck dinner will follow.


The final training is a traditional form of Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage called Heartworks Lomi Lomi. This full-body routine uses long, wavelike strokes to provide a deep lymphatic flush, aiding in the release of toxins, stress, and blocked energy from the body. Lomi Lomi is the embodiment of Hawaiian Spirituality in massage. This four-day training includes one day of Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian Ceremony to clear the past, heal relations, and release old patterns that no longer serve. The final 3 days are devoted to learning and practicing the routine, culminating in an intimate graduation ceremony!



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